i found myself in some kind of hell
i am at work on a saturday morning for the first time in a month, and i am beside myself with boredom and sleepyness. the boyfriend looked so inviting this morning under the covers and sleeping soundly.
all i wanted to do was curl up with him and hold him and never let him go. but i know if i had stayed home, i would have been super frustrated with my inability to get on the internet and play here and on other sites.
i haven't been able to check my e-mail at home for the past week. and we have one of those crazy cable connections, but it's slower than my mother's new york dialup.
oh yes!
i went to yoga on thursday night, biting the bullet and just saying "this is what i am going to do, and i will have a good time, and i will feel amazing afterwards." so i went, and i had a mantra for myself with each inhale and exhale, and i moved through the asanas with no problem.
on friday i spent much of the day feeling on top of the world and waiting for friends to come over for the night. it never happened. i was upstairs reading my star wars novel and falling asleep, when the girls in question called. the boyfriend answered the phone and came to bed, telling me that the girls were a bit inebriated and didn't want to bother us.
we had been waiting up for them.
Cable connections.. huh.. I work for bloody time warner if you have it... drop me a line I'll come over and fix it.
ya i think i did piss someone off in a past life