the sun is setting on the century
and we are armed to the teeth
i think i figured out where this need for newness, this need for change, to get out of this rut, to find something different, something new, something ... anything ... can you hear me? ness ...
every two to four years of my life, i have packed up my things, my things i have accumulated in the city, the state, the country, and packed it all up and left for something new and different.
at first it was at the will of my family. my father would get his new placement, and we were off again like a rocket. and this time, here i am in columbus, not where i thought i'd end up at all, nearly smack dab in the middle of ohio (yes, i chose to live here). and this time, here i am in columbus, and that four year mark ended last may.
i have been seeing the same faces at work for the past four years, the boyfriend (who is wonderful, and i wouldn't change that for the world) for the past nearly five, i've had similar friends, lived in the same house ...
so, a vacation is in need. a tattoo is gearing up to happen.
things are changing.
the boyfriend has an interview for a management position at his office tomorrow ...
Any ideas about the tat? Oh, and tell me what you're feeling about grad school. Believe it or not, I actually like talking about that, I know. Im an odd bird
how did you start doing yoga?