the art show went off without a hitch. over three hundred people filled this gallery, and i was running about trying to take pictures, talk to people about art, and get to the food, i was trapped between throngs of people, and my only hope for escape was taking the elevator down four floors to the stairs to climb back up all over again.
the paintings are back home now (no security at the gallery, the boyfriend and i thought that to be the best thing to take them back home) and with our michigan friends in tow, he was able to pack the three pieces into his jeep.
and we have our xmas tree, and we have our decorations up, and we listened to christmas music all night last night until the friends who work retail stopped by and we turned the music off entirely.
and i am awake from the snow, and i want to make snomen when i get home, and go for a long walk and trudge through the snow to yoga and just be happy and snow-y and go go go.
Sounds like the show went very well, glad to hear it. Did the boyfriend sell any of his art? That's always a nice bonus.
Enjoy the snow, we're just getting some now, it's very pretty.
And relax! The show is over.