i have this feeling that i have things crawling on my collar. but i know it's just lack of the appropriate amount of lubriderm, and the general feeling of stress and exhaustion (what a wonderful combination) that's getting to me. and another headache is mounting, and i am listening to coldplay, and the house smells of varnish, sanded wood and glue.
who needs to huff things when you live where i live?
work today was less of a marathon and more of a wonderful exhibition of love and amazingness, and it made me so happy, and i was beaming when i left. and that's one of the reasons i still love my job.
in other news, in the past two weeks, since i last measured, i have lost a half inch (each) off my waist, thigh, and hips, and that makes me a happy teclo indeed. looks like the several walks in the freezing fucking cold have helped, along with practicing yoga at home.
(i was supposed to go to yoga today, but i knew the piece of coffee cake i'd eaten at 10:30 wasn't enough to keep my strength up through the first ten vinyasas)
but there is coffee brewing and laundry doing, and the frames are going to be a-okay, and i am in love, i have the most amazing best friends in the world, and i feel like i could take on anyone and anything right now.
oh, and btw, good to hear you're doing well. i am too, come to think of it! happy holidays.
Just out of curiousity - I've seen other journal entries talk about frames too, is your job making frames?