i was not prepared for the snow this morning. not prepared at all. in fact, it was the last thing i wanted to see when i woke up, and when the boyfriend turned over in bed and said "i have good news and bad news. the good news is that i love you, and the bad news is that it snowed last night"
while making coffee before heading off to work, i brushed off the ruca mobile after doing my netti pot, to save time.
there was no breakfast. only the obligatory cigarette outside with my hot coffee, and wondering which route to work would be best. upstairs to say goodbye to the boyfriend ...
and here i am at work. and with a schedule that deems that i must work on new year's day, and i am not at all happy about that. and it would be fine, but i have to work at ten in the morning on new year's day.
and my hands are cold from the cigarette i just had. and i am reeling and as happy as i can be on a cold cold saturday at work, and not home in my bed with the boyfriend.
But at least you don't have to shovel rain.