Far too much Diet Pepsi!
Far. Too. Much.

Please send Macaroni & Cheese.
p.s. i love this picture and its caption:

p.p.s. i still have to work on that damned NHS essay! biggrin

When I grow up, I will be Kim Gordon's bass guitar.

The end.
Is it eating a person or another zombie?

I saw one of the skinny ones eat one of the fat ones, which was pretty cool.

I don't think I've seen anybody alive get eaten.

I think Daydream Nation is one of the few or only albums that any of us at our house can agree on.


Hunger and Desire are sisters, like Despair and Desire are siblings. They are the same situation; all three derive from consumption.

When one suffers from Hunger, all one can think about is nourishment and how to satiate it.

When one is filled with Desire, all one can conceive of is how to obtain the objet de Desir.

When one is in the depths of Despair,...
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This is getting into a personal vein, here. Castaway, if you are reading this, please do not. I need feedback on a certain situation, and would prefer if it remained quiet.

Thank you.


I don't know how many of you have figured this out about me yet, and most likely none of you have. I have had a long-standing issue with body image, weight,...
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shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked
i just looked at your pictures and i'll have to say it looks like you have an awesome body. You must be crazy for thinking otherwise!!!!! Poor self image always plays tricks on the mind!!
Dont worry about a thing, you look GREAT! love
you look beautiful in your pictures. everyone is obsessed with image and if people cannot accept me for who I am and not what I look like I can live without them, thats not to say I don't want to improve my image but if I do it its for me and no one else.
as long as you are happy that what counts, and if eating 90% good and having a treat once in a while is what happens then so be it, I'd rather be who I am and look the way I do and be happy than thin, over exercized and miserable.
I dunno if that helps at all, I hope it does. if all else fails tell the skinny people that they're way too thin and that they'd look healthier/better if they gained 10 or 20 lbs.
oh yeah and as you get older, a little extra weight in your face plumps out any wrinkles.....BONUS!!!!! biggrin

Today, I had off. I was to get the car back today, but that's just not happening. Not happening at all.

I am not feeling very eloquent or bookish tonight. I think, what I really want to do, is sit on my porch with a good friend. I want to drink coffee and smoke cigarettes and bullshit back and forth all night.

I need a...
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im listening smile hope you feel better!

~ I wish for the days when I could drown my sorrows in a pint of Edey's Dreamery Ice Cream. I tried to repeat performance today with Ben & Jerry's Low Fat Frozen Yoghurt, and all it's doing it making me want to vomit.
~ I must must must convince Nick Cave to sing at my wedding. Or the Flaming Lips. Either would be fine...
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Thanks for reading my proposal, I'm glad you find it interesting. Please feel free to send me e-mails directly if you have questions, and even better if there are things that you don't understand in the proposal, because if you can't understand them then the reviewers might not be able to either.
you are definately most welcome!

i jusy drowned my greedy self sorrow with a load of cinnamon swirl danish's! after a week of good eating frown oh well

When you want a certain pick me up, throw a surprise party for a friend on their birthday. You will have warm fuzzies for days.

I have much pictoral evidence. Ooooh. Especially of the Playmobil Nativity Scene we gave to the boyfriend's mother for her birthday.

Ways to mess up your digestive system :::

1) Have Wendy's and coffee for dinner at 10:00pm Thursday night.
2) Go to work for three hours standing up and going from hot indoors to humid outdoors. Drink nothing. Smoke too many cigarettes.
3) Fall asleep at four AM.
4) Wake up a half hour before you're supposed to be at work.
5) Eat one Snicker's...
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Step 8 was quite literal, I expect.
Ooh... yeah, it may be time to change those eating habits a bit. smile

I thought you had quit smoking? I'm actually doing pretty well with my efforts to quit.

My uterus hurts. It wants to kill me, and the homemade burritos I had for dinner aren't helping.

I have a new picture in my candids. Beware.

Me and my ouching uterus are going to curl up into a ball in my bed now and sleep.
I hope you and your uterus are feeling better.

Where is your money going? You spend too much money on zoobas, ping pong balls and adaptors for old European 8-track players. You should invest in tinfoil and left shoes.

I've been trying to figure this "budget" thing out lately myself and it's not going well.

I hate to see that you spent Monday in pain frown. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

"Je pas finir ma vie a Santa Cruz."

Has anything really happened lately? Other than the fact that I am, once again, on a medication cocktail, I don't believe so. I am less "put upon" than I was normally.

That and I can no longer access SuicideGirls.com from work, as it is considered a "porn site" and we, as workers, get flagged for it. And...
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Dude, it's all good. biggrin

Hey - glad to see a new entry from you. Ain't no sunshine when you're gone!
I ♥ my p1g5 to a disgusting degree.
And what would my dear guinea sow do without her boar?

When my car comes back to me, I will be so happy. *

*Well, she won't be coming back to me. I have to drive about sixty miles to get her, and then sixty miles back home. But I will still be happy.
Cars.... that world seems so far away. no one I know owns a car, nor do they plan to. There's a certain amount of freedom that comes with owning a car that I miss. OF course, there's a whole world of hassle and headache that also comes with owning a car that I Don't miss at all. but you take the bad with the good, I suppose.
if you haven't joined yet... SG Columbus in da house... go join...

This Fourth of July, I am going to hang out with some friends, go see Farenheit 9/11 (1st Ammendment Rockin' and Rollin'), and then hang out with some more friends.

I fly off the handle easily. I am quick to bite heads off. My temper is a short fuse. I hate arguments. I also hate being wrong. I hate being wrong shoved in my face...
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