added a bunch of new pics. take a peak.
FUNNY story ahead.
know what happened this morning? ok, so. my brother is a really friendly, popular kind of guy (he's sixteen) and he's always having his friends over to sleep and hang out and stuff, so i'm used to seeing his dudes in sleeping bags out in the family room, usually with their street clothes on. so i didn't think much of it when i was rushing around the house this morning getting ready for work at 7am, there was this guy just laying on the couch wearing camoflage pants and army boots who appeared to be wearing some kind of weird wig. like i said, typical to see at my house. i shrugged it off, thinking it was weird since aaron had a band competition the night before and i didn't hear anyone come in.
i go to work and fifteen minutes later my mom comes in, because she "needs batteries." i'm checking her out and running her check through the scanner when she says how some stranger fell asleep on our couch, probably drunk and just passed out. she woke my brother up, asked him if he had any friends over. my brother sat up, wide awake, said no. my mom got kind of freaky. my brother got a crowbar (this is the part that made me laugh) and woke the dude up. my mom told him to get his ass out of our house or she would call the cops. she said she had never seen someone look so confused in her life (my mom has been a psychiatric nurse for SIXTEEN YEARS!). the dude looked at my brother and said "thanks for letting me steal your couch for the night, man." and my mom said that as he was going out the door, he was kind of looking around, squinting with his bloodshot eyes.
the most funny thing to ever happen in a long time. dear lord. i love this neighborhood. i fucking love halloween.
FUNNY story ahead.
know what happened this morning? ok, so. my brother is a really friendly, popular kind of guy (he's sixteen) and he's always having his friends over to sleep and hang out and stuff, so i'm used to seeing his dudes in sleeping bags out in the family room, usually with their street clothes on. so i didn't think much of it when i was rushing around the house this morning getting ready for work at 7am, there was this guy just laying on the couch wearing camoflage pants and army boots who appeared to be wearing some kind of weird wig. like i said, typical to see at my house. i shrugged it off, thinking it was weird since aaron had a band competition the night before and i didn't hear anyone come in.
i go to work and fifteen minutes later my mom comes in, because she "needs batteries." i'm checking her out and running her check through the scanner when she says how some stranger fell asleep on our couch, probably drunk and just passed out. she woke my brother up, asked him if he had any friends over. my brother sat up, wide awake, said no. my mom got kind of freaky. my brother got a crowbar (this is the part that made me laugh) and woke the dude up. my mom told him to get his ass out of our house or she would call the cops. she said she had never seen someone look so confused in her life (my mom has been a psychiatric nurse for SIXTEEN YEARS!). the dude looked at my brother and said "thanks for letting me steal your couch for the night, man." and my mom said that as he was going out the door, he was kind of looking around, squinting with his bloodshot eyes.
the most funny thing to ever happen in a long time. dear lord. i love this neighborhood. i fucking love halloween.
I liked some of your new pics... you were even smiling a little...