Tell me how you feel today.
Rate your day on a scale of one to ten, one being the best, ten being the worst.
What triggers your happiness/sadness?
yeah. I'm practicing my psychatric skills on you guys. I remember being in the hospital, and when they talked that way, it drove me nuts, because you always needed a reason why you were happy/sad/etc. I'm a dork, I know. Deal with it.
And um...yeah. I'm horny. I need either a boy toy or a suicidegirl to come play with me...takers, takers?
Rate your day on a scale of one to ten, one being the best, ten being the worst.
What triggers your happiness/sadness?
yeah. I'm practicing my psychatric skills on you guys. I remember being in the hospital, and when they talked that way, it drove me nuts, because you always needed a reason why you were happy/sad/etc. I'm a dork, I know. Deal with it.
And um...yeah. I'm horny. I need either a boy toy or a suicidegirl to come play with me...takers, takers?
when a friend of mine from work was in the 6th grade, he took the lyrics to a metallica song and wrote them down in his notebook. he told a friend of his that he wrote the lyrics, and the kid liked them so much he copied them into his notebook. then he submitted them as his own for a poetry assignment in school. he was admitted to counseling and then a hospital shortly thereafter. he came back on lithium.
i hate that shit.