I have this friend who is fighting with his live in girlfriend and the situation is about to reach critical mass.
If he breaks up with her he wants to move in with me .
I dont know what to do as im moving on in my life and he'll go back to drinking and smoking and snorting way to much and i know i will to . I'm fucked
It was one hell of a ride though.
news just in guess which muther fucker has big day out tickets ha ha ha ha you cunts im in the zone
only $210.00 would have paid 300 god life is good this week
If he breaks up with her he wants to move in with me .
I dont know what to do as im moving on in my life and he'll go back to drinking and smoking and snorting way to much and i know i will to . I'm fucked

It was one hell of a ride though.
news just in guess which muther fucker has big day out tickets ha ha ha ha you cunts im in the zone

Oh yeah, funny you should mention it... I'm moving to Melbourne in February