Is anyone else sick of network reality shows were B grade TV people sing/dance/be a dickhead for a cheesy competition for no reason other than brain dead viewers ringing in and voting so the station can justify charging 2 bucks for a call..... No .... just pondering
100% over reality tv shows... you know it's reached it's peak of retardedness when they're starting up a reality show about Joey Buttafucoo reuniting with Amy Fisher... WTF?!
haha oops- i forget that you were in austraila. Joey Buttafucco was this guy in the 80's who was having an affair with this underage girl, Amy Fisher. Amy freaked out one day, and went to his house - then shot his wife in the face when she answered the door. NOw Joey's out of jail and reuniting with crazy Amy.. hence the reality show. It's so bad..