Entry number one
Finally managed to pull my finger out and join an online community with interests inline with my own and with interests that are just plain interesting. Its been along time since I felt I could write down my lifes events where people may actually read them and understand, or more appropriately sympathise with all the little niggly inconveniences that can really ruin what would otherwise be continual days of creasin times.
Just gone through some hectic life changes surrounding relationships etc and am nearly back on the straight and narrow. Too much drinking whilst I was still at uni probably accounts for me having left a balanced state of affairs. But how much am I missing my old life, not much really. Got a lot of plans for the coming months. Moving into a swish new pad and currently building a new shuttle pc to improve my multimedia experiences, plus building my fitness in preparation for the first of many expeditions to NZ for my PhD field work. You may notice from my photos that Im not exactly carrying too much weight around so Ive started a crash diet of weight gaining stuff, lots of red meat, milk and eggs should do the trick.
Falling afoul of the demon drink is very bad for you. Not that Im saying I wont get trollied again, but Ive had my fill of evenings ending with me being escorted home by my friends and waking up with my head wrapped in a towel. Well at least Ive sampled most of the whiskey menu in our local public house [its quite extensive].
On a lighter note the house is now full of baby guinea pigs which are absolutely ace. They live in sections of drainpipe that are too small for them to fit in so they look like small sausage rolls. Will put some photos on once Ive had a chance to take some.
Not a lots happened during the last week to tell of, and Im not about to write a biography of my life up to this point so thatll do for the first entry. Breaking the ice so to speak should at least give me the encouragement to keep writing. Oh by the way a pretty good thing happened last night. Going through my Captain Beefheart vinyl collection and I found a really rare one thats worth 60. Thats about 100x what I paid for it. Gonna keep hold of it for a bit as an investment, just need to keep the guineapigs away from them.
Finally managed to pull my finger out and join an online community with interests inline with my own and with interests that are just plain interesting. Its been along time since I felt I could write down my lifes events where people may actually read them and understand, or more appropriately sympathise with all the little niggly inconveniences that can really ruin what would otherwise be continual days of creasin times.
Just gone through some hectic life changes surrounding relationships etc and am nearly back on the straight and narrow. Too much drinking whilst I was still at uni probably accounts for me having left a balanced state of affairs. But how much am I missing my old life, not much really. Got a lot of plans for the coming months. Moving into a swish new pad and currently building a new shuttle pc to improve my multimedia experiences, plus building my fitness in preparation for the first of many expeditions to NZ for my PhD field work. You may notice from my photos that Im not exactly carrying too much weight around so Ive started a crash diet of weight gaining stuff, lots of red meat, milk and eggs should do the trick.
Falling afoul of the demon drink is very bad for you. Not that Im saying I wont get trollied again, but Ive had my fill of evenings ending with me being escorted home by my friends and waking up with my head wrapped in a towel. Well at least Ive sampled most of the whiskey menu in our local public house [its quite extensive].
On a lighter note the house is now full of baby guinea pigs which are absolutely ace. They live in sections of drainpipe that are too small for them to fit in so they look like small sausage rolls. Will put some photos on once Ive had a chance to take some.
Not a lots happened during the last week to tell of, and Im not about to write a biography of my life up to this point so thatll do for the first entry. Breaking the ice so to speak should at least give me the encouragement to keep writing. Oh by the way a pretty good thing happened last night. Going through my Captain Beefheart vinyl collection and I found a really rare one thats worth 60. Thats about 100x what I paid for it. Gonna keep hold of it for a bit as an investment, just need to keep the guineapigs away from them.
Welcome to the site.

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