Today I discovered a lizard in my bedroom. This isn't some sort of poetic metaphor or something. There was an actual lizard in my bedroom. I've had my window open the past few days since the weather has been nice, and I guess it crawled in through a small hole in my window screen.
I chased it around with a cup and a tupperware lid trying to capture it for about 15 minutes before it crawled up between the screen and the window. Finally. I pushed the screen out a bit and gently coaxed it back outside with a coat hanger.
That's the most country-sounding thing I've ever written.
Roam free, tiny dinosaur.
I chased it around with a cup and a tupperware lid trying to capture it for about 15 minutes before it crawled up between the screen and the window. Finally. I pushed the screen out a bit and gently coaxed it back outside with a coat hanger.
That's the most country-sounding thing I've ever written.
Roam free, tiny dinosaur.
Talk about an exciting and surreal moment