An old friend of mine played on stage with Zappa Plays Zappa the other night at the Roxy. Won a raffle, which got him a guitar and an inpromtu jam with the band on stage. Apparently this is going to be on some DVD and he already has a large amount of pictures. Good on him; I remember this guy being the only person I knew in high school who I could talk Frank Zappa with, and music is one of his passions. I hope he uses the momentum wisely, and keeps his music going. If I hear in the next year that he's selling off the guitar, I'll personally find him and break him in half.
The play has come at 113 pages, one-and-a-half-line spaced. I actually wrote fifty-seven or so pages over the course of two days, on minimal sleep, and with idiots trying to kick my door down in the dead of night (more on this in a bit). That's insane to me. The fact it doesn't even suck all that much is just a miracle. This has actual room for serious development; several of the theatre people at the college whose opinions matter think I should try to get it produced based on the scenes they read. I've never written something with LEGS before. I've got some ideas.
So this idiot tried to kick in my door at three-thirty Saturday morning. I opened it (like an idiot) and had a surreal conversation about shingles and investments and blonde big titted bitches and disrespect. And I told him to fuck off. But I was wielding a cane, so it isn't like I was a complete moron; just a minor one. But that isn't how I usually react. I mean, a few months ago, I would've not answered the door. But I did, which is ineresting. No idea where the idiot is now, by the way, but I heard someone at the next complex ran him off, which I completely believe.
Have done no Christmas shopping yet, because I keep forgetting. I know, I know. That's happening at some point tomorrow when I get back.
Radio is done. Our series finale was the most awful show we've done in the year or so we've worked together. I will miss doing those so much. Podcasts are definitely in our future, however. And the internship people are late in getting back to me, so I'm going to harass them tomorrow as well. This potential NPR job is too perfect, which means that it would suck if it weren't actually real.
Something else I really, really wanted to say, but I forget. No matter.

I fucking miss KTVU so, so much.
The play has come at 113 pages, one-and-a-half-line spaced. I actually wrote fifty-seven or so pages over the course of two days, on minimal sleep, and with idiots trying to kick my door down in the dead of night (more on this in a bit). That's insane to me. The fact it doesn't even suck all that much is just a miracle. This has actual room for serious development; several of the theatre people at the college whose opinions matter think I should try to get it produced based on the scenes they read. I've never written something with LEGS before. I've got some ideas.
So this idiot tried to kick in my door at three-thirty Saturday morning. I opened it (like an idiot) and had a surreal conversation about shingles and investments and blonde big titted bitches and disrespect. And I told him to fuck off. But I was wielding a cane, so it isn't like I was a complete moron; just a minor one. But that isn't how I usually react. I mean, a few months ago, I would've not answered the door. But I did, which is ineresting. No idea where the idiot is now, by the way, but I heard someone at the next complex ran him off, which I completely believe.
Have done no Christmas shopping yet, because I keep forgetting. I know, I know. That's happening at some point tomorrow when I get back.
Radio is done. Our series finale was the most awful show we've done in the year or so we've worked together. I will miss doing those so much. Podcasts are definitely in our future, however. And the internship people are late in getting back to me, so I'm going to harass them tomorrow as well. This potential NPR job is too perfect, which means that it would suck if it weren't actually real.
Something else I really, really wanted to say, but I forget. No matter.

I fucking miss KTVU so, so much.
Happy Holidays!
