I think this might have been the best weekend i've had in years. No bullshit. I don't know exactly what i've been needing lately, but i think it helped out greatly. Massive thanks to Lobster_Mobster, Digital_Ninja, joker_c, & Omeganightmare for all hanging out & being hospitable & shit. It was greatly appriciated. First time i've been to the LC in a few months...i think i've had my fill. A little dab'll do ya, believe me.
You have no idea how fucking SURREAL it is to sit in the house of a person you honestly hate & watch Eddie Murphy. That's just brilliant. That said, thank god Lobster & the Bandito were there. Slight shift in subject, but is it odd when you find inspiration & creativity in hatred? I mean, i don't think so, but i'm amazed that it's that easy to be inspired. I think i just like too many people.
Boyscout leaders are the weirdest people you can hope to buy Excedrin from. And old women constantly steal large amounts of ham & provolone cheese. Or so i hear. Don't remember that bit in the manual.
I've obtained a cat. Big thanks to Lobster & mom for that. It's actually kinda cool that it's an LC cat, by the way. I really don't know why, exactly, but it just seems fitting. Great cat, by the way. Most are, i think, until they've got reason to not be.
Santa Rosa will always have a place in my heart, schoolgirl lesbians or no. But the lesbians help.
I have no sense of direction. Just sayin'.
And i've finally figured out what i want to do. Maybe. As of right now, at least. Meh.
This blog has no real point beyond my whole desire to keep people from thinking i'm not dead. And multitasking has kinda made me lose any desire to write something decent. Bah.
You have no idea how fucking SURREAL it is to sit in the house of a person you honestly hate & watch Eddie Murphy. That's just brilliant. That said, thank god Lobster & the Bandito were there. Slight shift in subject, but is it odd when you find inspiration & creativity in hatred? I mean, i don't think so, but i'm amazed that it's that easy to be inspired. I think i just like too many people.
Boyscout leaders are the weirdest people you can hope to buy Excedrin from. And old women constantly steal large amounts of ham & provolone cheese. Or so i hear. Don't remember that bit in the manual.
I've obtained a cat. Big thanks to Lobster & mom for that. It's actually kinda cool that it's an LC cat, by the way. I really don't know why, exactly, but it just seems fitting. Great cat, by the way. Most are, i think, until they've got reason to not be.
Santa Rosa will always have a place in my heart, schoolgirl lesbians or no. But the lesbians help.
I have no sense of direction. Just sayin'.
And i've finally figured out what i want to do. Maybe. As of right now, at least. Meh.
This blog has no real point beyond my whole desire to keep people from thinking i'm not dead. And multitasking has kinda made me lose any desire to write something decent. Bah.
Glad yah had a good time up here. See y'all in two weeks or so

I take issue with people who pronounce it "pro-vo-lone-eeeee." Just can't fuckin' stand it. That's what I get for working at a sandwich shop for 2 years.