Heading up to the city tomorrow night to see Buckethead with the wifey's blonde gf's husband. Should be a good time, he's fun to hang with.

We may end up seeing naked chicks as well/instead. Who knows?

Staying overnight at wifey's blonde gf's house. Makings of shenanigans? I think not. But I bet wifey wishes there were.

Went to the gym this morning for the...
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We got wifey's blonde gf and her husband coming over for dinner this evening. Should be a damned good time!

One thing I realized, though. Wifey and blonde gf spend a lot of time together during the week while me and her hubby are at work. He and I haven't ever spent time together without the two of them. And wifey is very interested in...
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So, Wifey went to DCFC and the Snow Patrol shows. Me and the small child had a better time while she was at the Snow Patrol show than when she was at the DCFC show. Wifey and I had a bad day the day of the DCFC show, but had a very good day the day of the SP show. Go figger!

Tonight is date...
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Well, I hope you didn't pee your pants.... although you know what they say... "If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!"

You take such good care of me... I love you so much... love
Wifey's going to see DCFC tonight with the blonde gf. It's just me and the small child! I'm thinking of taking her to the park so we can hang out and have fun. Hanging out at home is fun, too, but a bit higher stress.

Maybe I'll take her on the merry-go-round at the mall.

Still got no answers. The questions are getting clearer. I...
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So I have some questions.

1. What does it mean to be bisexual?
2. What does it mean when someone who is bisexual is married to someone who is unisexual/straight?
3. Does it mean anything?
4. What are the implications for monogamy in such a relationship? (for the bisexual member and the unisexual member)

Anyone? Anyone? Discuss.
Ack, it's been a long time!

Been sick for the past week. Started on Tuesday with a blistering fever. Now it's not so bad, mitigated by large, regular doses of Contac, Advil and Robitussin.

Haven't felt like working out since I got sick. I may head back there tomorrow morning and start my routine back up again.

My wife is as sexy as ever! And...
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Maybe it was me who had the wrong idea on Friday night. Maybe the others were doing just fine.

DW was out with a friend last night, and I was at home with DD, feeling terrible. I missed her so much!

When she got home, we had a really wonderful talk. It was exactly what I needed. Thank God! (and thank ooo aaa )

I'm wrestling with...
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Hang in there ARRR!!! I will always love ya!
ooo aaa

seen any around?
Well, that depends on what kind of satisfaction you are speaking of? You have to help a girl out! ooo aaa
Where do I begin?

1. Decided not to have sex with anyone but each other to protect our family.
2. Went on The Demon and The Centrifuge with couple we want to molest.
3. Went to strip club with said couple.
4. Had more fun than humans should be allowed.
5. Said bye-bye to the other couple.
6. Received the most googly-moogly lap dance of...
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What a rollercoaster! Just because you make a decision doesn't make all the drama go away. At this point, it's not the end, it's not even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning.

(That's a quote from someone like Winston Churchill, but I don't know who.)

Got a haircut yesterday. eeek I started growing my hair long in 1989 and...
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You are correct: it was good old Winston who said that.

A while back I shaved my head after having hair to my waist for five years. It really cut down on the shower time.
did you take meds for your depression?
what did you find that helped?