What a great day! The sun is blazing. The coffee is brewing and the construction has stopped in front of my house. I never really know what they're digging up or putting in. It's like the phone company. They'll have a truck working on one pole line for a month or more and never seem to be done. Governme nt special ops or just very slack construction/phone workers. Who knows. But the fact remains that they own the street. Miss moving your car, it's towed. Trying to work via modem doing research or sending documents by a deadline, your just late. Alright! Gearing up for the big Supersuckers show tomorrow at the Middle East, and a special in store at Boarders in Cambridge! The evil powers of rocknroll are going to set beantown right!
Theyre tearing up the road in front of my building for no apparent reason. Thankfully, I dont own a car. Wish I could go to the Supersuckers show! Im especially curious about the Boarders appearance. Be sure to fill me in. Hope you had a good weekend.
Oh, roamingaround and I kind of started a Boston V. Providence rumble. I have a feeling it's going to get out of hand. http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Hook-Up/16323/