Wednesday morning. Seems like summer is coming to a bit of a close at least weather wise here in Burlington. People are already gearing up (literally) for winter as evident from the massive free for all at Burton last weekend. Picture the chaos you see on TV when Wal-Mart has one of those crazy 7am post Thanksgiving sales where people spend the night in the parking lot to get a place in line and push and shove for bad product. Well, now replace said bad merchandise with very sought after discounted snowboard gear, and you have the annual Burtion sale. Gear galore and a near riot of shoppers! Whew. Unbelievable. Vermont is "geared-up!" I'm on my way to get a new piece done on my upper left arm later today. The perfect mermaid I've been looking for for awhile was staring me right in face for the last 7 months by way of a dive shop logo. I grabbed it, modified it and now its going to be inked! Exciting!

I haven't been up to anything too exciting. Heading out to see the Kings of Nuthin play a show with Darkbuster at the Mid East on Wednesday. Getting ready for senior year of college
So did you get any choice gear?
I'm sure you'll be uploading photos of your new ink asap