Hot, hot, hot. The city is. Well, I just moved to another part of the city. I'm now a home (condo) owner in Jamaica Plain. Right down the street from historic Doyle's Pub. Not to shabby. A weekend of moving and organizing, and trying to stay cool with a steady diet of PBR and seltzer water. Now I'm off to Wilmington NC to do some...
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Off to DC to visit the folks and kick it on the back porch in the hot tub for the Memorial Day weekend. Have fun and be safe! Cheers

Happy Birthday!
OH, boy. The kids are graduating. By this time next week, the streets and bars of Burlington will be a bit less active. No lines and quicker pulls at that tapline. The down side, less sun dresses and reckless mobs of young adventureous ladies. We'll miss ya girls.

Man, cell phones. They're supposed to make your life easier and end up the worst. My phone has crapped out twice in the last month. Cheap plastic from Motorola and Cingular! Argh!

Dresden Dolls? Hmmmmmmm.....
Well, the sun is finally shining and the warmth is thawing out the green mountains! As well, the UVM co-eds are sporting flipflops and sun dresses! Yum.
Awwww. I was just kidding around. Have fun at Dahkbustuh! Throw your panties at Lenny for me.
i hear ya brotha, all lemonade n sunshine the past few. HOORAY!

I need a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pshhh! YOU need a vacation? Every time I stop in here you're on vacation
Are they playing Burlington with The Slackers? I hope so for your sake. I think it's gonna be an awesome show.

Are they playing Burlington with The Slackers? I hope so for your sake. I think it's gonna be an awesome show.
Tuesdays. Tuesday always lend themselves to be a bit of a tease. One day after the dreaded Monday, yet not just far enough away from the weekend to be treated like a Thursday. Unless of course you're on holiday or shooting something spectacular in LA, than it doesn't really matter. Which is what I'll be doing coming up in June. Hangovers and cameras and LA...
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I have a terrible lisp.
I'm just not a phone person. Maybe it's because I worked as a phone solicitor for a couple of years.

good on ya, sake's on me.
Ahhh! the end of the month. Can't wait for the nexy few holidays! Looking to buy a long board to do some nice cruzing around town at night, as long as the weather holds up to just being pure sun and blue sky!

Oho! Thanks. Well, I am warning you I am terrible on the phone. People think I'm kidding, until they experience it.

Another sunny day in the north. Spring can't come fast enough!
The documentary is for my degree project. I'm going to make a video installation with a book. I want to continue with the book after i graduate and get it published. Hah hah. You wanna help me? Get me a job!
I'm not planning on doing a set, but their is another lovely miss Kay who is. Hence the name change.

I'm not planning on doing a set, but their is another lovely miss Kay who is. Hence the name change.
Crazy. U work at JDK? Am at Sakura friday sunday and wednesday nites, mostly. names allyson. i'll be the one in all black. jog past yr office almost everyday. live on maple and union. small feckin world man.