I recently became co owner of the podcast I work with, and in charge of media content. I'm surprised SG doesnt have a podcast group, maybe I should submit to start one
im surprised at that also as i know a few people on here that do podcasts.
So my podcast crew has been asked to be the celebrity interview crew for an upcoming film festival in south Texas. Pretty stoked
I woke up with the idea that I shall clean the whole house and organize it from top to bottom. I do that every once and awhile before I start a big project. I feel I am about to... I feel something very artistic and important is about to jump out at me and I am going to be the one to write it down...
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I started a new shift at the day job, should be better for gigs with the bands, but I hate the new hours. I am up early because I have two free lance articles for two music mags I have to write for. One is for some kind of SXSW magazine (bleh) and another is pro bono work for trade stuff so I have to...
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thats cool though, good opertunites and then after a while you can just say you did it and add it to your experience, good luck!
I started recording some new songs yesterday. I'm always happier in the studio with my own songs
blah. its dreary rainy and cold this texas mornin'.
I love it. sat outside and smoked some cigarettes and drank lots of coffee before trying to write a little.
I love working afternoons, the mornings are all for me.
The new year came and went. I dont have anything special to say about it. I'm happy with where I am. The band is good, I'm writing more fiction and music lately. I'm taking the semester off from school. I am still sort of connected with my family...

But seriously New Year's Eve? I wasn't expecting too much. There is no special magic moment that...
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I did a show with LB today. In front of about 3000 people. Not bad for 3 in the afternoon. Give me a small club though anyday with a few hundred capacity.
It also sucks doing a show and then going directly to your dayjob. Oh well... it was a good time.
My drummer for my punk rock band is going to school in Jan. We have a replacement for now, but I'll feel better when it's perm. The indie band that is the monstrous force known as "the loveletter" is still going strong though. We got tapped to score a low budget horror movie. The producer likes our weird ambient noise, but the director is asking...
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low budget horror movies are my favorite. haha
yup! if they use our music I'll be posting about it... its supposed to hit netflix and redboxes after they release it
I got a new day job last week. It's alright. I got paid out last week from my old job, they paid all my unused vacation time and bonuses. It was pretty rad. So I bought a laptop.
The band is strong. I'm also starting a new project with a friend of mine. It will be sort of Grinderman meets Joy Division. Anyway... I don't...
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