So, i just joined a couple of days ago, been looking around checking out a lot of the girls sets, sending messages to the chics i think look cool or just have imaginative sets and complimenting them on it, but im sure they get that every day from a bunch of horny guys so, no one has emailed me back cept for one nice gal who friended me, thanx Charity
. Just looking to meet some cool people and talk about the whole pin up thing. I've always really liked pin up stuff, like old school and thats one of the things i find appealing about the suicide girls, they're very much old school with a modern twist. They have fun, great outfits, makeup, color and all natural and different types of girls. For me its very artistic, from the colors, to the way the shot is taken to how beautiful the human form is. People just like to look at pretty things i guess. I deffinately do. Although i have to say even though i love my husband and find him incredibly hot , women were just made prettier than men. Although something has to be said to the point about what the hell was god thinking when he made genitalia because, i just dont find that attractive on anyone, cept my husband. Is it just me? Does anyone else wonder about that. Anyway, would be nice if someone emailed me back or commented.
