I spend last weekend with the most beautiful girls at the french SG shootfest. I met many of the girls I felt in love with via the SG community and I was really happy to be able to! But as you can read in the title "French Suicide Girls x Dans Ton Bec" I should explain what it's about. Dans Ton Bec is my clothing brand, I'm working on it for almost 2 years now and it's growing bigger and bigger since I started. The website is already online but the e-shop will only open in a bit, it's so exciting! This is my job, my passion and a big reason to be happy in my life!
I've always been creative, in love with clothes and drawing. I studied fashion design for a less than 2 years when I lived in the Netherlands. I stopped before the end cos the silly thing is that it enoyed me more than it should and I began to hate school and fashion. I moved back to France, to Toulouse more exactly, where I wanted to become a tattoo artist aprentice. That didn't last very long because of the boss in the shop where I worked.. I drew a lot back then but was frustrated because I couldn't do anything with my drawings. Then came the day when I thought about a clothing brand.
I was never really a "working girl", I hated to work & study, and just wanted to do my own nice shit. But you have to earn some money to live so I did what I could/wanted to keep my head above water. When I began to work on my project I worked night and day with the biggest smile on my face! Even if I could only eat noodles and couldn't spend any money on fun stuff ore clothes I was fucking happy to do what I was doing! And I still am!
Dans Ton Bec means "in your face" like, "see, I succeed with my passion" for all the stupid kids who told me that I would end as a cashier, maid or work in a factory. Now they can be jealous, cos in the end they are working for a stupid boss or in an office!
This weekend I will be at the international tattoo convention The Storm in Luxembourg! How cool is that?! This will be the first big event where I will be selling my clothes. I am freaking out because it's really big, there will be many visitors, and I'm way too excited!! So it's positive :)
I'm talking and talking, but won't you like to see a little bit what I'm doing? Here you go:
Did you recognise @mandeexlou on the pictures? She's one of my models for the website ♡
You can see more on my fb page: Dans Ton Bec and very soon on danstonbec.com
Who's going to the convention The Storm next weekend? I would love to meet some of you! And I'm sure there will be some SG fans, so don't hesitate to send me a message, I'll be glad to talk with you! I'll even have a few signed prints ;)
Follow DTB on Facebook and Instagram!
Special thank's to all my lovely french girls for the pictures and unforgettable moments! @marlene @vehera @popcorn @prune @mandeexlou @amour @pekopeko @plum @ninety @lestis @ayah @babal @maryfleur and of course @le_sonde_vie for taking the photo! ♡
(@rambo , @missy , @lyxzen )