Over the holidays I travelled to the state of Tennessee to see my mom and a few relatives. A great time was had by all. My cousin wanted to take me out and have a few drinks and catch up. Sitting int he bar I noticed two women sitting there having a drink. It was a surprise to me when the bartender sat a fresh drink in front of me stating it was from the two ladies at the end of the bar. I walked over to them to thank them and engage in small talk. After a few minuted I told one of the ladies that she was beautiful. She immediately became defensive and called me a liar and other choice words. I immediately took a $20 bill from my pocket, gave it to her and thanked her for the drink. I came back to my cousin and we lid the bill and left. It made me wonder...is it offensive to tell a woman she is beautiful. I am a man who finds beauty in all things and people...one of the reasons I love photography so much. Am I reading too much into this, was she bitter or too drunk to handle the compliment? I have struck that word out of my vocabulary with women now... What do you ladies think?
That's so strange she'd buy you a drink but be offended when you call her beautiful?! It's not like you said anything rude or offensive. Definitely her problem & not yours Mr x
Thank you Ms @fische but after reading a post on here about that word and her actions it made me think. Maybe I was over reacting. Her loss.