So by the looks of the fp, this weeks topic from the lovely @rambo @lyxzen @missy is about what we are thankful for from this year. π
I am thankful that myself and mine are safe and (somewhat) healthy.. haha π
I am thankful that this year I have gained a better understanding of myself and due to this my confidence is now soaring to new heights every week :) I have most certainly had down patches, but through these I have learned I am worth so much more than how worthless these interactions have made me feel.
I am extremely thankful to this community for helping me with this confidence boost, and loved being able to reach out to people when I needed support. The SGAU community definitely gets a special mention here, y'all are fucking amazing.. it really is like a family of sorts :P although I am still a bit of a wallflower in the group, I am coming out of my shell a bit lol π the Ball was amazing intoxicated fun, where I even made friends that still talk to me! Haha π
Most of all, as always, I am thankful for life and the knowledge that it brings π
Much love xx