So thanks to a board on here in the Paranormal group a few months ago I figured out I could be an empath.. as in I am very emotionally in tune with other people around me, and always have been.
At the moment this is meaning awesome fun times because my boyfriend has some serious stresses going on in his life.. and I'm most definitely picking up on it in a severe way.
Due to previous relationships, I find I'm automatically trying to distance myself from it all emotionally, as in I'm still here for him, but have been reminding myself that these are his issues not mine. And mentally I'm fine with that (they really are things that in essence don't affect me, ie his job, his house etc) but physically I'm still reacting to all the stress around us.
For the past few days I've been anxious as all hell (I do suffer from generalised anxiety disorder and depression, but they're usually somewhat kept under the radar by meds and learned coping strategies), shaky, exhausted. I've reached a ridiculous level considering my mentality about the situation. Bah. As always, I still care too much haha.
And because all the anxiety etc has come to the surface, other paranoias are popping up, like worries about infidelity etc.
*sigh* I'm sure it'll be fine.. it's just one of those days haha :)
And apologies.. I know most of my other blogs are based on homework and happy feels.. but needed a vent moment ;) xx