Hellooooo lovely peoples!!
This blog topic has been on my mind since it came up last week, kept meaning to go out and take some photos.. kept getting motivated when it was pissing with rain, but I wanted to show that Tasmania can be something other than shit weather! Because we can quite honestly have all seasons worth of weather in a day. It is a little bit ridiculous. After living in Tassie for a bit, you learn to dress for multiple seasons in one outfit.. kinda handy!
So anyway, technically it is Spring here, and today it made it to 28c, (which when you're right under the hole in the ozone layer, is actually quite warm :P) and I was motivated to stop by the little recreation areas along the creek not 5 mins drive from my house.
This is why I love Tassie, I live probably 10 mins from the city, and places like this are basically in my backyard.
I used to go swimming in this part of the creek with one of my friends in Summer.. I remember we caught tadpoles one year and looked after them until they were little frogs :D so cute and liiiitttle!
And a couple more pictures that I took because the water looked pretty :D
Annnnnd just a quick selfie.. love how bright the purple shows up in the sun :D hehe.
@charmaine @rambo Thanks for stopping by and having a look! :D xx