Going with last weeks blog homework topic: Are you superstitious? Which superstitions do you believe in?
I am definitely superstitious, and it probably comes from growing up around my Mum, who is also a little bit alternative in her beliefs at times (not full-blown hippy, but open-minded perhaps :P). It's from her that I learnt to automatically "break the crows nest" when seeing a single crow, (one for bad luck, two for good.. forefinger and thumb make a circle and someone else has to run their finger through and break it..I cheat sometimes and do it by myself.. just to be safe haha :P)
The placement of our furniture is often influenced by feng shui too, for example: beds are positioned so that your feet or head aren't pointing out the door or window when lying down (I think I heard somewhere that it relates to how the dead were carried out of the house or something.. anyway it supposedly brings bad things into your life if you're pointing the wrong way.. and I must say.. the one time I had my bedhead pointing out the door I was sick alllll the time...)
Lastly, if I'm in a car/bus that goes through a railway crossing, I lift my feet as I go over the railway line.. Once again.. for luck. Got that one from one of my friends.. :)
I'm sure there's probably more odd things that I do that seem to be just every-day now so I don't think of them as being different lol :P
Also, on a related note, I also very much believe in the existence of ghosts/the paranormal.. there's an up-until-recently-abandoned asylum about half an hour's drive away (which is now finally getting some recognition for it's historical value, as well as bits sold off for businesses etc - thus is no longer abandoned), that my friends and I used to (somewhat illegally) explore. Needless to say, we had some interesting experiences up there that have further peaked my curiosity when it comes to the paranormal (Willow Court/Royal Derwent Hospital, New Norfolk, Tasmania.. check it out :D) below photos were from one of those said missions :). Happy that the site is getting the recognition it deserves, finally, but a little bit sad that those exploration times are over. Finding old hospital beds and clothing etc, just the general abandoned feel added to the whole spooky vibe. The place has been haunted for years supposedly, even at one point getting the attention of the local newspaper. My Grandfather used to work there in the Administration building, and told me about how people would avoid certain wards if they could, and that the nurse's quarters had a resident matron ghost as well. Some of the staff who lived on site would apparently have a few drinks and dare each other to go to the top floor of the building, where this ghost resided. He told me that the night my grandfather was dared to do it, he made it to the top of the stairs, when suddenly all of the hair on the back of his neck, arms etc started standing on end.. and he bolted. :P.
The last time I went exploring up there with a couple of my friends, we went into what used to be the Children's Ward. Most of the buildings are half-demolished/destroyed by vandals, and this was no different, the back rooms were pretty much a no-go-zone. I separated from my friends to try and take a photo through the doorway to one of the back rooms, and as I was walking through the room towards the door, my whole body got that instinctive feeling of shouldn't-go-further.. hairs on end etc. I took one more step, and there was a massive crash and banging noise just inside the doorway of where I was going.. I quickly turned and speed-walked to my friends in the other room.. wasn't feeling overly welcome where I was, to say the least!
Well there ya go, blog complete, with a bit of a sort-of-ghost story just for some halloweeny goodness :D
Thanks for taking the time to read! :D xx
@charmaine :)