1. My hair colour changes frequently.. and has done since my mother allowed me to first get streaks in my hair (about 14?..) anywho, the only time I have been my natural colour since then was when I shaved my head in grade 12 for shave for a cure and had to wait for it grow back long enough to do anything with (it took soooo loooonnnnggg). In saying that, it hasn't been longer than a pixie cut/bob since grade 4. Clearly I'm a little impatient when it comes to the hair growing thing.
2. My cat Tom is my baby boy and we are utterly pathetic together. I fully expect to be a crazy fluffies lady one day. (I don't discriminate. As long as it's not a spider, or some venomous snake you're throwing in my face, I'm most likely going to lose my shit over its cuteness.)
3. I hate spiders. Except daddy-long-legs.. they're okay. As long as they understand their rental agreements, stay in their corner of the roof and don't drop on me or whatever. Then they die.
4. I am terribly addicted to soft drink. And chocolate. Turkish delight chocolate. Omg.
5. I'm a smoker, but not that much of a drinker. Don't get me wrong, I'll get smashed at a party every now and then, but I'm definitely more of a chill-at-home sort of person. :)
6. I love reading books: Tamora Pierce has been one of my favourite authors since high school. Reading in general is awesome, it opens up the imagination in ways that tv and movies will never be able to.
7. I can be shy sometimes.. usually when I first meet people.. I've only recently found out that apparently I have a rather intense resting-bitch-face which has resulted in multiple people getting totally the wrong impression of me to start off with. Oops. Working on it. I'm awesome really :D
8. I use emoticons and say lol wayyyyy too often.
9. I was born in and have lived in Tasmania for basically my whole life. I still need to make it out of Australia, travelling overseas is definitely on my to-do list, but I have made it to most states and territories now :P
10. I have a few piercings and tattoos, my favourite being my cheshire cat on my back :D he's my fluffy that's with me always. But there are definitely always more to come :P
@charmaine ^^this is Tom.. my baby. I know I'm biased but.. seriously.. NYAWWWW!! :P