I'm so fucking happy!!! Im going to college..
Who ever thought this little freak would ever go?!?!?
It's called Haverford. Its a art college in penn state!! My mommy evan cried... She never i couold do something with my life, much less go to a frickin college.
My lip is doing much beeter now... It not as swollen and it doesnt hurt as bad...
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My lip is doing much beeter now... It not as swollen and it doesnt hurt as bad...
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I drew that picture after my old friend Sarah told me she couldnt hang with me anymore. She wanted to be with Jesus, But even though she believed in "God". She was still sad that she had to leave all her friends.
Anyway thanks...
Last night i was thinking about something. I wondered how i got like this. Then i started to think about my...
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Last night i was thinking about something. I wondered how i got like this. Then i started to think about my...
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at least the drawing turned out pretty
szo whats up
i bet youre busy lately eh

szo whats up
i bet youre busy lately eh

so what's up with your "occupation"? Does your job make you sad? Or is it your job to be sad? Just wondering ...

Im so pissed off right now!!!! Im watching HBO and this show is on about killing people who do abortions.... Yes Christians MURDER humans!!!!!! GRRRi want to kill someone right now... If you dont believe me go to army of bullshit They bomb hospital kill women who have had abortions and doctors who do them!! Some one these people only get like 1yr in prison!!...
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Yeah ... what Yuriel said ...

I know I've said it before, but I love this picture!
Did you use a reference for this? It's beautiful ...

Did you use a reference for this? It's beautiful ...

So ... I went poking through your artwork folder ... your stuff is amazing! I do a lot of portrature and your stuff blew me away ... absolutely fuckin' amazing! I love the one you did with in soft coal (was it compressed at all, cause my stuff flakes all over the damn place!), it is beautiful!

anywho you should be on yahoo more or somethin though i know ya dont seem to like it much hehe.
i just feel like a bother calling too often or somethin.

i just feel like a bother calling too often or somethin.

it IS boring hon <3
i woke up really late and had to run to wallyworld. i just got back about an hour and a half ago.
ima call and hope

i woke up really late and had to run to wallyworld. i just got back about an hour and a half ago.
ima call and hope

im still also insanely bored
heh heh
damned place.
-just read the crush section

heh heh
damned place.
-just read the crush section

"I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"
Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
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right back
you sweet flatterer you

you sweet flatterer you

I hope you get better...
Well today has being normal, nothing major has happened. I know one thing though...I havent ate since sunday. I ve been in my room finishing my drawings and writings.
Left alone in this dismal place
Forgotten by the ones I thought cared
Not knowing what's to become of my insignificant soul
Fearing I might never recover from this state
Tears flow from my unhappy...
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Left alone in this dismal place
Forgotten by the ones I thought cared
Not knowing what's to become of my insignificant soul
Fearing I might never recover from this state
Tears flow from my unhappy...
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being normal? whats that
heh see you DO draw well
oh by the way youre super rad.
but you knew that already
damned phone dying at an inconvinient time
enjoy being in bed or whatever yer doin now hehe.

heh see you DO draw well

oh by the way youre super rad.
but you knew that already

damned phone dying at an inconvinient time

enjoy being in bed or whatever yer doin now hehe.

I'm so jealus. Inspired as well. I'll try to overcome you though. I'll try to compete you and become better. Thanks for pushing me to the edge. You make me better...
Well the warped tour was frickin wonderful, but it was too fuckin hot!
I passed out like 3 times. Fall out boy was great! I love them! Okay anyone heard of TheONECampaign.com? Well if you havent you should go to the site. And get everyone you know to sign the damn thing it only takes less than a mintue. Its for a good cause. And...
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i had a horrendous weekend but im glad yours was awesome
bet the concerts rocked.
ugh its way way too hot.

bet the concerts rocked.
ugh its way way too hot.

You passed out 3 times?
You have no idea how much I expect to see your next drawing

You have no idea how much I expect to see your next drawing

umm me
Monday afternoon around 3 i woke up to a cop knocking on my door. i was wearing my bra and really tiny shorts. I was kinda freaked out. well anywho he asked my and my sister to come out to his car...we did. Then he reads us the miranda right and shit. I was freaking out i didnt know what the fuck i did. I...
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Crooked? What does that mean? See, I told you I suck. Tell me how much time did it take you to create this soft coal painting and what is a soft coal and how much did you practice etc etc etc...?
Wow! Thats quite a talent you have there. I cant draw very well at all. In college, i was the worst in my drawing class, but I knew it at least! The pic of the crying girl is just beautiful. I wish I could go to a concert like Warped Tour, was it a ton of fun despite the heat?. I am so damn lazy! Ill have to catch Depeche Mode when they make their way though.
Did you do that? And the picture in your profile? Youre aweseome!!!
heh yeah.
manson rocks.

manson rocks.