After 32 days on the road, stuck in a silly small car, we finally rolled into Ulaan Bataar, the capital of Mongolia on 18th August after 7561.7 miles.
Passed through 8 countries, met some fucking amazing people, had a near death experience, got held at a border for being a bit naughty, drank with Mafia types, ate shitloads of shashlik, stayed in a ger and nearly cried at the most stunning landscapes I think I'll ever see.
And now, it's time to catch up on the month's worth of boobies I've missed.

Passed through 8 countries, met some fucking amazing people, had a near death experience, got held at a border for being a bit naughty, drank with Mafia types, ate shitloads of shashlik, stayed in a ger and nearly cried at the most stunning landscapes I think I'll ever see.

And now, it's time to catch up on the month's worth of boobies I've missed.

actually, ive caught a bug of some form and Im definitely ill. No fun at all!!!
lucky man!!! everyone keeps joking that I have H1N1 but luckily, it seems as though Im getting over it. Praise God haha