Hay there!
So ive never written a blog before... so here we go. Im taylor also known as taystee. I am in the process of reviweing the final pics of my set before me and my photographer Brian Daley upload em tomorrow! Im super excited/nervous. I would absolutely dieee if I became an actual SUICIDEGIRL!!! This all still feels like an awesome dream that I never want too wake up from. Id be so blessed too become apart of such a beatiful, inspiring community. Some of the hopefuls I have briefly chatted with such as reed, nixie, marceline, lavish and rosie are such sweethearts and I have a huge fan girl crush on all of them! They take amazing photos so you understand my nervousness of uploading my first set
I just would like too thank all of my followers on instagram fer supporting me, my photographer fer taking awesome pics, and ofcourse my family and my boyfriend ryan who has been the most supportive and helped me through it all. Without him none of youd be able too see sexy pics of me on ig (; well I hope I did alright with this blog thing and one last thing before I go, I am in the process of opening up an etsy shop which I hope too have up and running by next week as long as this whole court thing with my last "professional photographer" sara lasher goes well and id realllllly love it and would be soo happy if you guys went and bought some of my prints! Well thats all fer now, ill make sher too let you all know if my set gets accepted asap! *fingers crossed*
So ive never written a blog before... so here we go. Im taylor also known as taystee. I am in the process of reviweing the final pics of my set before me and my photographer Brian Daley upload em tomorrow! Im super excited/nervous. I would absolutely dieee if I became an actual SUICIDEGIRL!!! This all still feels like an awesome dream that I never want too wake up from. Id be so blessed too become apart of such a beatiful, inspiring community. Some of the hopefuls I have briefly chatted with such as reed, nixie, marceline, lavish and rosie are such sweethearts and I have a huge fan girl crush on all of them! They take amazing photos so you understand my nervousness of uploading my first set

is the photographer hehehehe or maybe if you ask and if they buy the set they put but normaly is the photographer i think, but you can check the help
Thank so much