ahhh so this girl i had been sorta crushing on for a while is now my girlfriend. which is awesome in so many ways. she is gorgeous and lots of fun and her name is anne and i don't even know, we drove all over atlanta and marietta the other night just listening to music, and it was fantastic.
we're going to dinner and getting...
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we're going to dinner and getting...
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The weight over my shoulders just got so much more manageable. I'm still going to act as though I failed, cos technically I did, and I cannot continue to act the way I did last semester and even think of...
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The weight over my shoulders just got so much more manageable. I'm still going to act as though I failed, cos technically I did, and I cannot continue to act the way I did last semester and even think of...
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You are a dinosaur? Sweet.....
So, I'm generally good about not snooping under the tree....
but this year I said fuck it!
I'm opening my presents here tonight anyway, it's not a huge deal,
buuuuut I'm so excited!
Because there's a big bag with a heavy Nikon camera case inside! I'm hoping for a D60 but anything is better than nothing, a D40 would be great too.

Also, a small...
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but this year I said fuck it!
I'm opening my presents here tonight anyway, it's not a huge deal,
buuuuut I'm so excited!
Because there's a big bag with a heavy Nikon camera case inside! I'm hoping for a D60 but anything is better than nothing, a D40 would be great too.

Also, a small...
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so did you get everything you want beauty for christmas
Just ordered two signed prints from xkcd - separately, because I'm a spaz and decided to order the second one afterwards. Then tried to cancel both to reorder together, then couldn't cancel first one, so had to reorder just second. Still paying 40 instead of probably just 35 with combined shipping (though, could be wrong, maybe since they are probably packaged oddly the shipping...
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Just ordered two signed prints from xkcd - separately, because I'm a spaz and decided to order the second one afterwards. Then tried to cancel both to reorder together, then couldn't cancel first one, so had to reorder just second. Still paying 40 instead of probably just 35 with combined shipping (though, could be wrong, maybe since they are probably packaged oddly the shipping...
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Thanks for the comment on my set!!

So, the depressed stuff is gone. But it's almost like nothing replaced it - I just feel apathetic. Like I'm a placeholder going through the motions of being a human but not really feeling any of it. I do know I still can feel things - I have all these feelings waiting to be expressed towards a person or a child or an animal or...
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on one hand, good, i have been taking pictures all the time. on the other hand - exams = suck. but thanks.
Concerts are good for replacing post-depression funk with Da Funk.
So, my overall mood has been better recently, but I'm kinda freaked out and preoccupied with my grades. I'm hoping I can pull it out and salvage my GPA like in high school, but I just realized that college GPAs are different (this, darling, is why you read the fucking catalog more than one cursory time over the summer). So... I don't think I can...
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The Good:
1. My classes are amazing! The only one I'm having trouble with is English but I'm excited because English has never challenged me, and I think that my writing will improve a lot from the work. Japanese is fun too... the whole new alphabet thing is scary but so far so good. And I'm taking a class on Women in Comedy that's...
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The Good:
1. My classes are amazing! The only one I'm having trouble with is English but I'm excited because English has never challenged me, and I think that my writing will improve a lot from the work. Japanese is fun too... the whole new alphabet thing is scary but so far so good. And I'm taking a class on Women in Comedy that's...
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I left this in the Atlanta group as well...for a detail oriented piece I would recommend Demian B. at Liberty on Ponce....see thread for photo....I am working on that piece and have a larger piece planned....he listens to all my ideas, and works with me to execute the visual image....I took him tons of drawings and such and he is super cool and nice.
It does seem like college society is based on meeting people via drinking and partying, neither of which I do either, so I know where you're coming from.
I'd say SG is a pretty good place to meet interesting people with similiar interests so you've got a good start.
I'd say SG is a pretty good place to meet interesting people with similiar interests so you've got a good start.
College is the greatest thing ever.
I love everything, basically.
Well, except my aching feet and lack of sleep.
I love everything, basically.
Well, except my aching feet and lack of sleep.
welcome aboard!
I saw your Lit CLub post-are you reading TWofOz for Lit Theory?
So, crazy ups and downs, moneywise. The aid office said, even though their letter was totally different, that I was all squared away, finance-wise.
Then I overdrew my banking account on groceries at SUPER WALMART (of all places - but I needed film! And we needed seasoning, and matches, and vitamin water!) for camping, because I didn't realize the check to my mechanic hadn't gone...
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Then I overdrew my banking account on groceries at SUPER WALMART (of all places - but I needed film! And we needed seasoning, and matches, and vitamin water!) for camping, because I didn't realize the check to my mechanic hadn't gone...
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haha no, i truly DO love nature. it wouldn't feel right to shoot an "earthy" set and then chow down on some burgers.
i feel you on school and financial issues. it can be frustrating, but i'm glad it's working out for you! <3
I think the financial aid office is laughing at me, as my replies get more and more desperate, and I am more and more panicked. Hopefully that means that right before the money is due they'll call and be like "Just kidding! You're fine."
I doubt it, though.
I doubt it, though.
how you doing beauty
Urm. Life.
I can't wait for Agnes. Ridiculously so. I had a long talk with Jonathan tonight, because once again I was stupid enough to tell him something I knew he would disapprove of, so I got to hear all about that.
I know that this kind of peer pressure (disapproval) is the kind people are actually supposed to follow, in that he is trying...
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I can't wait for Agnes. Ridiculously so. I had a long talk with Jonathan tonight, because once again I was stupid enough to tell him something I knew he would disapprove of, so I got to hear all about that.
I know that this kind of peer pressure (disapproval) is the kind people are actually supposed to follow, in that he is trying...
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the US Office to judge it, but it has got a great
cast. Im just a HUGE Ricky Gervais fan,
and I love Brit comedy
Happy for you lady! New romances are
so exciting. And your Valentines plan
sounds fantastic! Only 14 days a way