Where to start...
Bad credit and good jobs having to do with financial matters apparently don't mix. I could have 2 very good jobs in Boston but they are both not going to have me because I have some loans that I haven't paid for a few years. Who would think that it would come back to bite you?
I have this feeling about love...
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Bad credit and good jobs having to do with financial matters apparently don't mix. I could have 2 very good jobs in Boston but they are both not going to have me because I have some loans that I haven't paid for a few years. Who would think that it would come back to bite you?
I have this feeling about love...
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what the hell do loans have to do with jobs?!
Starting the weekend ealry is so sweet, even if it takes a few hours to get errands done before you get home to relax. Yeah for long weekends.
Here's an idea for everyone to try. Start making cookies. As soon as cookies are done, have incredible sex. Depending on how long ou take with the sex, you can enjoy still gooey cookies. Yum. Desert on top of desert.
It sucks being back at work...
It sucks being back at work...
work can suck, yes
cookies and sex, that sounds lovely. if only i had another person to pull that off with *sigh*
Give thanks for all the things you have and think about all the people that don't have the things they need. Enjoy your comfort. 

whoa, i've never felt so guilty about comfort b efore
did you have thanksgiving SEX
WoW is getting good. I am getting to the point where I have an idea of what to do with my character... My brother will possibly start playing NWN2 so I may have to play that at some point with him, but he may never get his shit together enough for us to actually play at the same time.
Sometimes I feel like I am...
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Sometimes I feel like I am...
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New blog!
Bad news today. Notre Dame lost again and to a team that they beat for the last 43 years. If you know about ND football then you know that they play Navy evey year and most years they crush them. Unfortunately this year Navy is good and ND is not very good. It was a really great game except that we lost. Shows...
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Bad news today. Notre Dame lost again and to a team that they beat for the last 43 years. If you know about ND football then you know that they play Navy evey year and most years they crush them. Unfortunately this year Navy is good and ND is not very good. It was a really great game except that we lost. Shows...
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Dude, you need to get back on Guild Wars! I've been playing alone

i heard about the upset, that sucks!
ah, thank you for that. now i even know what it means, lol
and a charlie brown xmas is a classic no boy should be without

and a charlie brown xmas is a classic no boy should be without
is that a bra on her head? and i so love gilmore girls but keep that on the DL!