Geez, it's 17th June already and what have I done the last two weeks? SOD ALL
well i got the other side of my neck done last week and the ohm/lotus on my wrist recoloured.
Question: What is it about the british tattoo artists [NOT ALL! but a lot] that they can't do the colour thing like the americans can?
It SHOULD take one go to get good strong colour if you know what you're doing, but us Brits seem to have to be recoloured quickly.
Luckily, and thanks to Jed, I have some good strong colour on me and we are in plans for the japanese / hawaiian fusion 3/4 arm sleeve.
Right rant time:
I've been off work for 6 weeks (not all of it my fault!) and where I work, they want me to go to Occupational Health to get checked out and to have the following questions answered....
1) Should I be working with young people on a one-to-one basis?
2) should i be classed as disabled?
3) should i be given ill health retirement?
The questions go on and on but these three have narked me badly.
So the reason for me being off work?
Threats of physical violence from another member of staff which caused me a lot of stress!
So tell me, why should my personality and professionalism be called into question?
I'm cool tho, gives me a chance to paint ladies in the nuddy (from my head not real life) and all sorts of other weird and wonderful stuff. Anyone want reviews for old or obscure horror movies, you know where to come
Love to all as usual and sorry bout the mid-journal rant. it had to come off my chest tho

well i got the other side of my neck done last week and the ohm/lotus on my wrist recoloured.
Question: What is it about the british tattoo artists [NOT ALL! but a lot] that they can't do the colour thing like the americans can?
It SHOULD take one go to get good strong colour if you know what you're doing, but us Brits seem to have to be recoloured quickly.
Luckily, and thanks to Jed, I have some good strong colour on me and we are in plans for the japanese / hawaiian fusion 3/4 arm sleeve.
Right rant time:
I've been off work for 6 weeks (not all of it my fault!) and where I work, they want me to go to Occupational Health to get checked out and to have the following questions answered....
1) Should I be working with young people on a one-to-one basis?
2) should i be classed as disabled?
3) should i be given ill health retirement?
The questions go on and on but these three have narked me badly.
So the reason for me being off work?
Threats of physical violence from another member of staff which caused me a lot of stress!
So tell me, why should my personality and professionalism be called into question?

I'm cool tho, gives me a chance to paint ladies in the nuddy (from my head not real life) and all sorts of other weird and wonderful stuff. Anyone want reviews for old or obscure horror movies, you know where to come

Love to all as usual and sorry bout the mid-journal rant. it had to come off my chest tho

The girls who are threatening me are both huge (weight and height) So although if they started, I can handle myself but you don't really want or need this shit in a job you love.
What's the deal anyway as they (as am I) are YOUTH WORKERS! what the hell they teaching young people?