I've come to realize I have been a very negative person recently. I'm working on changing that and one of the first things I'm doing is to be thankful for all the amazing things I have in my life. I'm so happy that I have a wonderful husband who loves me and supports me no matter what I choose to do. I have two of the cutest doggies who even though they are pests sometimes bring me happiness whenever I see them. I have been fortunate to be able to photograph and make friends with some really awesome women on this site and continue to be amazed with the beauty and personalities I encounter. And I get paid to do it! (for the most part)
What I would really like to attract into my life right now is a job with a pro photographer. My goal is to become a fashion photographer to combine my two passions in life. I have been told I have a good eye but right now I need the technical knowledge it will take to be a great fashion photographer. I also need to somehow attract the equipment to be able to do this properly. I know somehow this will all happen for me if I focus my energy on it and I hope to be able to share it with you all when it does! Rather than focusing on how much I can't stand my current job I'm imagining how awesome it will be when I have my dream job. If you're not familiar with it, this all comes up thanks to James turning me on to a little thing called The Secret.
Here is a sample from a fashion shoot I did recently with Annika. She's an amazing model and I couldn't have done it without her:
What I would really like to attract into my life right now is a job with a pro photographer. My goal is to become a fashion photographer to combine my two passions in life. I have been told I have a good eye but right now I need the technical knowledge it will take to be a great fashion photographer. I also need to somehow attract the equipment to be able to do this properly. I know somehow this will all happen for me if I focus my energy on it and I hope to be able to share it with you all when it does! Rather than focusing on how much I can't stand my current job I'm imagining how awesome it will be when I have my dream job. If you're not familiar with it, this all comes up thanks to James turning me on to a little thing called The Secret.
Here is a sample from a fashion shoot I did recently with Annika. She's an amazing model and I couldn't have done it without her:
james and annika are two women i really admire and believe in on this site, and you are another. i congratulate you on taking the time to give thanks for your fortunes and employing positive thinking to acheive your desires. i'm not a photographer myself, but i find your photography absolutely stunning. i wholly believe you have the makings of a superb fashion photographer, and i wish you nothing but the best for seeing this dream come true.
sending positiveity your way, take care of you and your goals, xox jen
ps. for more positive thoughts visit Pistolita and Keri: two more strong and amazing women i love and look up to.