Hi. My first blog. I figured it would be a good place to say hello to everyone, and maybe let you into my head a bit. I just joined this, obviously. The funny thing is, I have been lurking around this site for a while. I mean, piercings, tattoos and titties-everything I love about the country. It really was two main things that made me actually join. One is, of course, a girl. Duh. It's always about a girl, isn't it? Someone I have recently became friends with and am becoming very fond of is an SG (hiiiiii). the other thing was, I am a photographer. Lately I have been getting requests to shoot sets for girls who want to be an SG. I figured I needed to do some research. I won't lie, this is the most fun I have ever had studying. Haha.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I am always up for making new friends, so don't be shy
And also, sometimes I take pictures when I should be driving:

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I am always up for making new friends, so don't be shy

And also, sometimes I take pictures when I should be driving:

Much love.