1. Do you like blue cheese?
Ewwww no! I'm also lactose intolerant.
2. Coke or Pepsi?
I do like cherry pepsi max
3. Do you own a gun?
does a glue gun count?
4. What flavor Kool-Aid?
I'm British, so I've never tried it
5. What do you think of hot dogs?
I think it's cruel and you should let them sit in the shade and give them water!
6. Favorite TV show?
Currently Steven Universe
7. Favorite Movie?
The Nightmare Before Christmas
8. What do you drink in the morning?
Tea, a latte if i'm at work (I'm a Barista soooooo)
9. Can you do a push up?
I have two string beans for arms
10. Favorite jewelry?
I like rings
11. Favorite hobbies?
I like sewing and making dresses
12. Do you have ADHD?
No, I get easily distracted but thats just because theres so much going on in the world around me
13. Do you wear glasses?
I wear contacts, do they count?
14. Favorite cartoon character?
Sailor Moon
15. Three things I did today?
Fed the cat, went to work, then fed the cat again, so exciting I know!
17. Three things you drink regularly?
Tea......Tea.....and more tea
18. Current dislike?
I dislike how as I've grown older it gets harder to meet and make new friends
19. Favorite place to go?
my bed.
20. How did you bring in the New Year?
I may have been asleep
21. Where would you like to go?
Tokyo Japan!
22. Name 5 people who will (hopefully) do this.
@emmalou, @ladyfirefox, @nymphae @gnomi @tethys_
23. Favorite color?
currently Orange
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
No, just no.
25. Can you whistle?
yes but not that great
26. What are you doing right now?
Chilling till i have to go back to work for a team meeting
27. Would you be a pirate?
Yes, I love parrots
28. Favorite food?
29. Last thing that made you laugh?
My manager running like Phoebe Buffet down the street
30. Last time you received flowers?
My birthday, I got a single pink rose from my beautiful friends
31. Most recent injury?
I accidently punched a shelf and now my hand hurts, that was today XD
32. How many pets are in your house?
One cat and one Boyfriend
33. Worst pain ever?
When I got a kidney infection and almost died XP
34. Do you like to dance?
Yes but only when I'm high and drunk
35. Are your parents still alive?
I think so
36. Do you love your life?
Meh it could be better
37. Summer or Winter?
Winter cause most of my wardrobe is jumpers!
38. How many grandchildren do you have?
None, and its gonna stay that way
39. Car or Van?
Neither, motorbikes baby!
40. People Person?
I'm like a cat, I take a while to warm to people, but that can be fast tracked if theres food involved, and I only deal with small groups