When we are part of a community sometimes we can become somewhat exclusive and dismissive to potential members
But what we have to remember is we were all new once
And it’s always nice to have an established member take us under their wing and show them around.
So when I was scrolling through Facebook and happened upon a post looking for recommended photographers to shoot SG, I saw the chance to show this potential SG how we do things here
I found photographers who not only have shot sets already but were recommended in the SGUK group chat and passed on the info to her
I also added her, followed her on insta and let her know I was there if she had any questions and to support her on her SG journey
And let me tell you, she was so happy! To have her initial experience of SG to be one of friendly open arms was the experience everyone who wants to join this community should be
Now I can’t wait to see her debut set! And I’ll keep you guys posted of course!
And remember, you can spread the spirit of SG in small ways, but it can make a huge difference
#spiritofsg @missy @rambo