Well I have been neglecting this poor thing as of late. I'm paid up for a good while again, so I shall make some good use of it. Lets see whats new and exciting? I just finished a storm of essays and midterms.... oh wow riveting.
This weekend I am going to this party at the Queens Head, my friend Lo is djing. Its the first time I've been out in ages. I work 4 times a week and other then archery I don't get out all that much. Needless to say I am psyched to be finally going out. Watch out boys Legs is loose on the town! Hehehe nice double meaning yeah?
Tomorrow I have a gap between my morning class and archery... I think I'm going to see a movie. How is everyone doing? I've been gone for ages! Bad me. Need a spanking and all that.
This weekend I am going to this party at the Queens Head, my friend Lo is djing. Its the first time I've been out in ages. I work 4 times a week and other then archery I don't get out all that much. Needless to say I am psyched to be finally going out. Watch out boys Legs is loose on the town! Hehehe nice double meaning yeah?
Tomorrow I have a gap between my morning class and archery... I think I'm going to see a movie. How is everyone doing? I've been gone for ages! Bad me. Need a spanking and all that.
I remembered i did archery once. Didn't go well lol lets just say we had to look for some undershot or overshot arrows hhaa
Happy f'n Holidays!!! Wooo!!!