People know me as the nice asshole. Which I believe to be true. I recently had a meeting where I work and, came to the conclusion that I do not take complements or criticisms well. I either shut them down or get defensive. Although I tell people to tell me what they think of me. I have been working on it, and people tell me to place myself into others shoes. I don't think i will fit in most, but whatever. For Valentine's Day I got my mom and daughter chocolate covered strawberries. And then spent the evening watching TV and drinking beer, alone. I felt so depressed, but I will manage. I found that I must tur my mind off 4 times a day to keep from going insane. I am single, zero friends to go out with. Everyone I knew moved away, or is too busy with their families. My only advantage is that I am still alive. Well that is it for my rant while I am at work. Tell me what you think and you might get cookie.
but you already know how mine was frustrating lol
hey dude at least your a nice asshole
it could be worse you could be like me
and well im just straight up assy
no bueno
now wheres my fuckin cookie?