I recently found the band Closure in Moscow and was blown away by their music. Even if you don't actually like the song, you gotta love their lyrics. They seem to throw in some old style words like "tenet" "bezel" and "cancrine". (dictionary time!)
Here are just a few verses:
I'm a Ghost of Twilight
Suspended eventide can only mean one thing
I'm a ghost... Read More
I'm thinking about starting one of those 365 projects on my birthday, or as some people call it "New Year's Day" It seems like fun and gives me something to stick to. On the fence about it though.
This song combines so many awesome things it might make the universe implode. Come on! Cookie monster, mortal kombat, ninjas ...etc. Yes please. Lyrics below
Welcome to Mic Skillz 2
Blessed By a Broken Heart 2007 baby
put the lights down now
Representing kansas city, Montreal, New York City
Let's do this
Oh ya i don't even got no headphones
1,2,3 Fight!
Oh no... Read More