FUCKKKKKKK!!!! Ok So can sum1 wise and more mature than me help me out????? My girlfriend sinc ei have known since second fuckin grade...just got engaged....now i shoudl remind u that she is wayyyy too young to get married...only 20! I mean for god's sake she cant even get into a bar! Why do girls need a man to live life? i have never been a dependant female nor should i ever be. Am i right guys, but women are way more attractive when then can function life on their own and then with practice and compromise work you into their daily routine? lol i mean i always thoguht of guys as a weekend....pleasure.....or desert for my crazy weeks. i go out and have fun after everything and you know, if your a good match, then keep u around! Please gvie me some impact bc i dont knwo how to deal with someone getting into somehting that really isn't good for her!!!
Oh my gosh!!! that's EXACTLY what i tell MY girlfriends.. or girls that are friends.. that if they have their own thing going? like if they go read at a coffee house or for a walk or whatever it is they'd like to do... that's SOO attractive to a guy! and THAT guy would come up to a girl to talk (if nothing else) because he finds it hott.. then.. isn't THAT the kind of guy a girl would want? not so shy, talks to people to ACTUALLY talk and not just get drunk at a bar and slur at a girl hoping she has sex with him... *sighs* hehe! ok, that's it. that's all i got... have fun darlin'! goodnight..morning...whatever.....byebyebye!
you can't do anything, you can't tell her anything, show her anything. she is gonna do want she wants, bottom line. everybody has a different path to follow. you happen to be the group that feel a certain establishment of self is needed before a commitment to another is priority. a friend of mine got married and had two kids way too young. he is now in the process of a divorce and is 25. everybody needs to learn life lessons their own way. if you are her friend you will just be their. when she asks your opinion, be honest, but it is your opinion. you can't argue with someone that is in love. it sucks but it is the truth. be there for her happiness, but you wll also be there for her sadness. who knows... you might meet your soul mate (if they exist) tomorrow.