I may in fact, be addicted to cheese. I am possibly, a cheese-aholic. I noticed this behavior only recently. After midnight I hunger for the salty, sweet taste of the Cheddar, and I wake up feeling puffy and bloated. I stagger to the kitchen and there are the tell-tale signs of a late-night cheese binge: the forlorn grater, the cracker crumbs, the greasy plate. The first step, of course, is admitting that I have a problem. I have cleared my kitchen on the demon cheese, but alas, I have ordered a pizza. One Step Forward, and two steps back.

* Jed's Square Dance Therapy and Used Carpet Center is not responsible for damage to shoes or boots caused by stray carpet tacks. Emergency cheese ration not included.
[Edited on Jun 15, 2005 10:46AM]