nothing like a lazy sunday accompanied by paninis and psychic tarot readingslove.

not really, just getting myself into silly situations once again. but this time, i've resisted sleeping with said silly situation. kind of sucks because i've literally known this guy my whole life (well, with the exception of the one month i was here before he was born...), and he's cool and already knows the innerworkings of my INSANE family dynamics (because he's been part...
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Drama sucks. Hope you find someone to roll around in the ole sack-a-roo with soon
summer session is officially OVER! time for fall, then a spring. it's nice to feel like i'm accomplishing something again. and i'm looking forward to using my overpriced piece of paper to get a new fucking job. like, it's getting SO ridiculous where i am right now and i just really, really hate it.

onward and upward!
so... i got this cute llil lelo handheld.

30 seconds with the damn thing and i don't think i'm going to be able to leave my house ever again.
ugh- ONE MORE WEEK in this class and i'm DONE... until fall starts. being back in school is different this time- i guess it's true that you're not going to finish unless you're ready. and it's a lot nicer knowing for certain that i've got TWO SEMESTERS left until i have my bachelor's. i'll have to get my master's if i want to teach, but...
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school started- time to knock this bitch out once and for all. i really love online classes... definitely helpful in the whole working full time/going to school full time bit.

working out has subsided, but eating better has stuck, so i'm still losing weight. slowly, but i got on the scale and weighed the same as i did last week. not a big deal? it...
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Hope you kick some school ass lady! Keep to the diet and you will get results! Have you joined the weight loss and nutrition group here on SG? It's a great crutch!

i think i am a member on there, but i never post in it anymore- i'll definitely start again though, it's really nice to have somewhere to go talk to other people trying to do the same things you are smile!
3 days of straight working out under my belt. not a HUGE accomplishment, but i'll celebrate it nonetheless. trying to see how long i can maintain being this sore... alternating brazil butt lift and pilates, along with a 10 minute mel b workout (abs on non-pilates days, arms on alternate days...).

bought some oiudad for my hurr. time to see how long i can leave...
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i'm just really annoyed.

kind of was looking forward to getting to know this guy. then i friend him on facebook and all he talks about is how girls only want dudes that treat them like shit and that he doesn't understand why nice guys finish last...

...isn't that what YOU are doing, sir?

i can totally relate, because i've definitely been captain of *that*...
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