not really, just getting myself into silly situations once again. but this time, i've resisted sleeping with said silly situation. kind of sucks because i've literally known this guy my whole life (well, with the exception of the one month i was here before he was born...), and he's cool and already knows the innerworkings of my INSANE family dynamics (because he's been part of them), BUT *dun dun dun* he has a girlfriend. not that that's stopping him from texting me and flat out saying that he still wants to do me, but been there, done that- it's just not cool. and of course, i just end up hurt and feeling like a bad person. because that's something that i'm really not ok with. i wasn't ok with it the one time i actually was the other woman, but it was just solidified when i was in the vicinity of the girlfriend- she gave me mad stank face and i realized that i couldn't even get pissed...
so that's why i won't do it. so for now i'll just have to be content with (LIGHT) flirty texts that i know will never go anywhere.
hopefully someone else turns up soon, but i'm legitimately content where i am right now- i just wish this happiness included a roll in the sack here and there
not really, just getting myself into silly situations once again. but this time, i've resisted sleeping with said silly situation. kind of sucks because i've literally known this guy my whole life (well, with the exception of the one month i was here before he was born...), and he's cool and already knows the innerworkings of my INSANE family dynamics (because he's been part of them), BUT *dun dun dun* he has a girlfriend. not that that's stopping him from texting me and flat out saying that he still wants to do me, but been there, done that- it's just not cool. and of course, i just end up hurt and feeling like a bad person. because that's something that i'm really not ok with. i wasn't ok with it the one time i actually was the other woman, but it was just solidified when i was in the vicinity of the girlfriend- she gave me mad stank face and i realized that i couldn't even get pissed...
so that's why i won't do it. so for now i'll just have to be content with (LIGHT) flirty texts that i know will never go anywhere.
hopefully someone else turns up soon, but i'm legitimately content where i am right now- i just wish this happiness included a roll in the sack here and there

Drama sucks. Hope you find someone to roll around in the ole sack-a-roo with soon