ugh- ONE MORE WEEK in this class and i'm DONE... until fall starts. being back in school is different this time- i guess it's true that you're not going to finish unless you're ready. and it's a lot nicer knowing for certain that i've got TWO SEMESTERS left until i have my bachelor's. i'll have to get my master's if i want to teach, but that's only two years and there won't be so much of the "but what do i wanna DO?!?!" nonsense i had in my head. I should've just listened to most of my teachers when they told me i was going to be a teacher someday. i could've saved myself two years of dicking around/being frustrated.
had a wonderful weekend celebrating friends' birthdays. which also reminded me that i'm going to be 25 years old this year... i'm a little freaked out by that. i know that's not "old" by any means, but it's just weird that 10 years ago i thought i'd be married with kids right now. can we say "DO NOT WANT"? i mean, i feel like it's definitely in the cards (i DO want kids), but i feel like i've got a lot of living to do before i decide to be responsible for making and raising a human being that i would like to be a good person who contributes to society. ah well, i've got my sweet baby dobby to take care of (i LOVE my puppyyyyyyyy!), so he gets all my mommy-ing until a (half) self-made critter comes along.
also getting things together for the town halls has been fun. i started volunteering with an organization that's fighting for LGBTQ rights in my home state, and i have to say that it's definitely made me feel like i'm doing more than sitting on my ass and complaining that things aren't fair. things are a little bleak for my homosexual brethren, but i'm hoping the involvement of more straight allies like myself can take a stand alongside them and FIGHT (peacefully, without violence, of course!).
...and now i have to go watch big ang
had a wonderful weekend celebrating friends' birthdays. which also reminded me that i'm going to be 25 years old this year... i'm a little freaked out by that. i know that's not "old" by any means, but it's just weird that 10 years ago i thought i'd be married with kids right now. can we say "DO NOT WANT"? i mean, i feel like it's definitely in the cards (i DO want kids), but i feel like i've got a lot of living to do before i decide to be responsible for making and raising a human being that i would like to be a good person who contributes to society. ah well, i've got my sweet baby dobby to take care of (i LOVE my puppyyyyyyyy!), so he gets all my mommy-ing until a (half) self-made critter comes along.
also getting things together for the town halls has been fun. i started volunteering with an organization that's fighting for LGBTQ rights in my home state, and i have to say that it's definitely made me feel like i'm doing more than sitting on my ass and complaining that things aren't fair. things are a little bleak for my homosexual brethren, but i'm hoping the involvement of more straight allies like myself can take a stand alongside them and FIGHT (peacefully, without violence, of course!).
...and now i have to go watch big ang