Well now we've been to Sea World and Busch Gardens. My lord, the sea lion and otter show is the funniest stuff I've ever seen! That mime is just hilarious too! I'll definitely be taking pictures when we go again! I kept getting flash backs to when I was little though. I remember my dad holding me up to see the dolphins swim around because I was too little to see. Then me twirling around in circles over and over until I was so dizzy, dancing to some African sounding music which they still played there! And how happy my mom was feeding the string rays. That was really cool to remember stuff like that!
Well my sister, queen of tanning, along with my mom, who says I'm incredibly too pale, made me lay out with them. Well I refused to take off my clothes and just lie there with my bikini on but I still got burnt a little
Hopefully it'll go away soon
I promise I'll post some pictures soon! I hope you all have a wonderful New Years!!
Well my sister, queen of tanning, along with my mom, who says I'm incredibly too pale, made me lay out with them. Well I refused to take off my clothes and just lie there with my bikini on but I still got burnt a little

I promise I'll post some pictures soon! I hope you all have a wonderful New Years!!

Cherry xx