Well I snuck on for awhile and decided I should update my journal
I hope you all had good a Christmas
I got a ton of fairy stuff and a dvd player!
Florida is beautiful and I've taken a lot of really cool pictures that I might post on my journal later! I haven't gotten a tan yet though, I personally like my very white skin
My sister was pissed off at me today because our waitress told me that I had the biggest most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen. I, of course, thanked her as I blushed really badly lol but my sister was pouting the rest of the night because she didn't get all the attention hehe, she's such a baby sometimes
I mean I guess she has a right to be mad because her eyes are just as big as mine but oh well, it's usually her getting more compliments! Well that's my story for the night lol, I'll try to sneak on here some more before my parents see what I'm doing 

Florida is beautiful and I've taken a lot of really cool pictures that I might post on my journal later! I haven't gotten a tan yet though, I personally like my very white skin

My sister was pissed off at me today because our waitress told me that I had the biggest most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen. I, of course, thanked her as I blushed really badly lol but my sister was pouting the rest of the night because she didn't get all the attention hehe, she's such a baby sometimes

sounds like florida is treating you right. do you get the big eye thing a lot? i could how you would, they're very pretty. i get told that a lot as well, but never with very much tact. like it's always people like my dentist and shit who is telling me.
hehe, i know the feeling of having to sneek around the parents to pull up SG and see what's happening.
have a great new years!!