After making a million bracelets for my friends for Christmas, I decided my hair was getting annoying again. I then proceeded to my pencil box where my scissors where, took them out, and started hacking away! My roomie hates when I do that
I guess she thinks I'll cut my fingers off or something but I haven't had my hair cut in a salon forever so I'm used to cutting my own by now!
I watched "Mulholland Dr." last night. Probably one of the most "mess with your head" movies I've seen in awhile! I liked it though, it's wasn't the greatest but it was still okay. One of the leader characters was the lead lady in "The Ring" she's been the busy one lately!
My finals are all going well, just two more to go!
Then it's off to Florida for three weeks! I'm going to miss my boy
Hopefully I'll still get to talk to him online though!

I watched "Mulholland Dr." last night. Probably one of the most "mess with your head" movies I've seen in awhile! I liked it though, it's wasn't the greatest but it was still okay. One of the leader characters was the lead lady in "The Ring" she's been the busy one lately!
My finals are all going well, just two more to go!

I have a good "mess with your head" movie for you to check if you haven't already. 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me' is a great one!!
I had to go online to figure out that the whole first part of the movie is just Diane's psychotic delusion, and the second, grittier part, is the reality that delusion is based on. Then my jaw dropped and suddenly.. wow.. it's not abstract and senseless. It's a masterpiece. Whew. And Diane-as-Betty looking at her own corpse.. man, that's an image that haunted me for weeks. Ooh.. there it goes again.
Done by the same guy as "Twin Peaks" of course, so similarities are unsurprising.
I love home haircuts - every one I've seen is more attractive than a professional haircut - and yet I can't bring myself to do it to myself. Hmm.