Does your mind ever escape reality? Mine does and it scares me sometimes. I don't tell many people about this but it's been looming in my mind at lot lately. Maybe because I'm not sleeping long enough or maybe it's because I have too much on my mind. It started in high school when my friends started to ignore me more than ever before. It started when I felt invisible, a ghost to the world. I thought that if I were to just jump on this table in the cafeteria and strip my clothes off that no one would even notice. They would all go about their little trivial conversations and give no notice to me like they always had. And I had to really make myself believe that they would really notice so I wouldn't do it. This went on enough for my to give it a name "escaping from reality". People talk to me now sometimes and when I concentrate too long then it happens, or when I'm on the bus sitting in the corner with a million people ready to be off to their next destination, or when I'm in class filled with so many people that you see a new person every single day. Maybe there really is something wrong with me but sometimes I like that I do that because it feels like a tiny dream and I rarely have those. I don't sleep for more than six hours a night during the week and never less than twelve hours a night on the weekends so I become confused as to what is dreaming and reality so this could also be it. But now I'm just babbling...
P.S. I added a ton of new pictures into my candids
P.S. I added a ton of new pictures into my candids

We're all so busy that it's next to impossible to devote the necessary time to friends and acquaintances (hell, even strangers) which results in a feeling of isolation for just about everyone from time to time.
I've found that often the best solution is to take time and make a conscious effort to notice others as often as possible. Yeah, it doesn't work all the time as I'd hope it would, but there are those few times where karma has a way of working for you and it makes it a lot easier.
You're kickass darlin'. Everyone should pay attention to you (IMO - of course, I'm biased).