I've been watching a ton of movies lately! I went to my parents' this weekend and my mom and I watched "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not". The lead actress was the lovely Audrey Tautou (Amelie) and it was definitely a different character for her. It was a really neat story! It was in French though but reading subtitles doesn't bother me.
Then I saw "Cold Mountain" finally with my mom and my sister. It was a lot better than I expected because I don't really care for Rene Zellweger but she was quite funny in it. Then I came back to my apartment and went to see "Monster" with a lovely boy
It was very depressing, like a lot of you have said, but the acting was amazing in it!
I just went to the bank and almost got into 15 accidents! Lord people seriously need to learn how to drive
And bicyclists should NOT be allowed to be on the road!! I almost killed three of them in a group because they spontanesouly decided it was a good idea to pull across the fucking road!! Grrr
This is for Flick!

Then I saw "Cold Mountain" finally with my mom and my sister. It was a lot better than I expected because I don't really care for Rene Zellweger but she was quite funny in it. Then I came back to my apartment and went to see "Monster" with a lovely boy

I just went to the bank and almost got into 15 accidents! Lord people seriously need to learn how to drive


i still cant get over the cuteness of that pic 

hey girly checkout my journal i want your answers